Blood Tests

 NutriZen x House of Trichology

Hair and wellness go hand in hand and here at House of Trichology, we are thrilled to announce our partnership with NutriZen.

 NutriZen vitamin therapy are specialists in wellness. They believe in preventative health through the optimisation of naturally occurring essential vitamins and micronutrients. Providing high quality complimentary therapies to help you achieve optimal wellness goals. NutriZen offer an exceptional range of high quality vitamin treatments including IV vitamin drips, IM injections and private blood tests all tailored to meet your individual wellness needs.

Blood tests are a great tool in determining nutrient deficiencies or hormone imbalances which can cause many hair loss conditions. Through NutriZen you can access special 'House of Trichology' packages to test specific areas and gain a fully comprehensive view of your health, all of which can link to the health of your hair.

For more information or to book a blood test package click the link below!

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